JESSE TREE ADVENT CHAIN Advent chains are a simple way to count down the days until we celebrate God's most precious gift to us, the Incarnation, the coming in the flesh, of His Son Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It works much better than a calendar for 3 and 4 year olds! A Jesse Tree is a way of preparing forChristmas by remembering the major events of the OldTestament, the way God prepared the world for the coming of His Son. To make the Jesse Tree Advent Chain, simply cut along the dashed lines, then take the first strip, loop it, tape the ends to make the first link, then loop the second strip through the first link, tape the ends, and repeat until the chain is finished. Each day tear off the appropriate link, read the Bible Verse and try the activity! ------------------------------------------------------------- December 1 CREATION Read Gen. 2: 8-9 How many things in your house can you recycle or reuse in order to help preserve God's Creation? ------------------------------------------------------------- December 2 ADAM & EVE Read Gen. 3: 1-13 Do something for your Mom or Dad today, maybe clean up without being asked. ------------------------------------------------------------- December 3 NOAH AND THE ARK Read Gen. 6: 9-22; 7: 1-24 Pray for those who are feeling sick or simply too busy to think about God. ------------------------------------------------------------- December 4 ABRAHAM Read Gen. 12: 1-5 Look up at the beautiful winter night sky and praise God, sing "Father Abraham" if you know it. ------------------------------------------------------------- December 5 JACOB Read Gen. 28: 1-22 Say only kind things to others, be patient today! ------------------------------------------------------------- December 6 JOSEPH Read Gen. 37: 1-4 Spend some time with a younger brother or sister (or neighbor), maybe you could read to them. ------------------------------------------------------------- December 7 SARAH Read Gen. 21: 1-8 Smile at everyone today! ------------------------------------------------------------- December 8 REBECCA Read Gen. 24: 13-20 Pray together at breakfast, supper, and bedtime today. ------------------------------------------------------------- December 9 RACHEL Read Gen. 29: 15-20 Give Mom and Dad a kiss today ------------------------------------------------------------- December 10 MOSES IS CALLED Read Ex. 3 1-12 Pray for those who are hungry or in prison today. ------------------------------------------------------------- December 11 MOSES IS GIVEN THE COMMANDMENTS Read Ex. 20: 1-17 Apologize to someone you have hurt, and maybe to God. ------------------------------------------------------------- December 12 SAMUEL Read 1 Sam. 3: 1-21 Call your grandparents today. ------------------------------------------------------------- December 13 RUTH Read Ruth 2: 1-12 Say grace at supper time. ------------------------------------------------------------- December 14 JESSE Read 1 Sam. 16: 18-19 Do what your parents ask today! ------------------------------------------------------------- December 15 DAVID Read 1 Sam. 16: 14-23 Bravely face that chore that you have been avoiding. ------------------------------------------------------------- December 16 SOLOMON Read 1 Kings 3: 1-15 Visit a church or shrine today, say a prayer and maybe light a candle. ------------------------------------------------------------- December 17 JEREMIAH Read Jer. 1: 1-10 Make a Christmas card for your grandparents, or maybe an older neighbor. ------------------------------------------------------------- December 18 JONAH Read Jonah 1 Mail the card you made yesterday, and pray for the person you made it for. ------------------------------------------------------------- December 19 DANIEL Read Daniel 6: 1-25 Write notes to your mom and dad telling them how much you love them, then hide the notes under their pillows. ------------------------------------------------------------- December 20 ZECHARIAH Read Luke 1: 5-25 Did you see the sun rise this morning? If so what was it like, if not see if you can get up early tomorrow. ------------------------------------------------------------- December 21 ELIZABETH Read Luke 1: 39-45 Pray Elizabeth's prayer, the Hail Mary: Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with you, Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the Fruit of your womb: JESUS! ------------------------------------------------------------- December 22 JOHN THE BAPTIST Read Mark 1: 1-11 Think about one thing you're sorry for today, then tell your family one thing you are thankful for. ------------------------------------------------------------- December 23 JOSEPH Read Mt. 1: 1-25 Make a special ornament out of old Christmas cards today. ------------------------------------------------------------- December 24 MARY Read Luke 1: 46-55 Thank God for, and pray for, everyone in your family. ------------------------------------------------------------- December 25 JESUS Read John 1: 1-14 Remember Jesus the best Christmas present God could ever give to the world today while you open your presents ------------------------------------------------------------- KEEP THE CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS GOD BLESS YOU & YOUR FAMILY! 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